Go for it, Aries! With the moon in your pioneering sign, it’s time to just hold your nose and take the plunge. If you’ve been straddling the fence about whether or not to proceed—or how, when or with whom—try a different approach that can lead to a decisive outcome.
Imagine yourself doing the thing you’re equivocating on, then work backward to trace the path that got you there. After that, move forward taking one steady step at a time till it’s done. Brava!
You might not be in full-on workaholic mode today, Capricorn—and that’s a good thing! With the Aries moon sailing through your fourth house of home, family and emotional foundations, you might be in an unusually sensitive or sentimental mood.
Need a little moneymaking motivation, Pisces? Today’s Aries moon in your second house of work and finances is eager to help you take initiative. Your emo water sign needs to have a personal connection to what you do—beyond cashing that paycheck—so if you’re not doing “your soul’s work,” that’s a good place to start.
Your comfort-loving sign is sometimes torn between coziness and your higher wellness goals, but today’s stars lend the discipline to jumpstart some new objectives. With the Sun in your healthful sixth house for a month, you may be thinking of small changes you can make to improve your lifestyle.
Your comfort-loving sign is sometimes torn between coziness and your higher wellness goals, but today’s stars lend the discipline to jumpstart some new objectives. With the Sun in your healthful sixth house for a month, you may be thinking of small changes you can make to improve your lifestyle.
Today el Sol is synced up with structured Saturn, helping you “lifehack” your way to making those shifts sustainable. Stay focused on WHY you’re doing this, then commit to getting more movement and nutritious foods into your diet.
You know how dangerous assumptions can be. So rather than presume (or hope) that everything is running smoothly with Team Gemini, do a personal inspection. This way you’ll get the feedback you need AND send a clear message to the slackers that they won’t be getting away with that any longer.
You know how dangerous assumptions can be. So rather than presume (or hope) that everything is running smoothly with Team Gemini, do a personal inspection. This way you’ll get the feedback you need AND send a clear message to the slackers that they won’t be getting away with that any longer.
This same theme applies to close connections in your life. As an air sign, communication with your inner circle is your lifeline, but how long has it been you reached out to those friends on the other side of the country? Do it!
There’s almost no limit to how much you’re willing to give when you care about a person or a project, but today, as your ruler, the moon in Aries activates your tenth house of public image and leadership, you may come to the end of the generosity rope.
There’s almost no limit to how much you’re willing to give when you care about a person or a project, but today, as your ruler, the moon in Aries activates your tenth house of public image and leadership, you may come to the end of the generosity rope.
Ultimately you teach people how to treat you Crab, so lean in to the self-respecting vibes of the bold Ram and let people know you’ve had enough. Setting boundaries actually does others a favor because they know where they stand with you.
Been dimming your light to let others’ shine more brightly? Cut that out now! As a Leo—the reigning regal of the jungle—your job is to inspire the other signs with your forthright flamboyance and chirpy creativity!
Been dimming your light to let others’ shine more brightly? Cut that out now! As a Leo—the reigning regal of the jungle—your job is to inspire the other signs with your forthright flamboyance and chirpy creativity!
Today, as the intuitive moon makes its monthly move through Aries and your adventurous, intrepid ninth house, challenge yourself to go a little further or be a little wilder than you had planned. And if it scares you just a little, then you’re on the right track.
At the precise moment that you catch yourself attempting to squeeze more work into one hour—take a break. Huh?! That’s right, o’ efficient one. You’re so good at what you do that you don’t even realize what an overachiever you are.
At the precise moment that you catch yourself attempting to squeeze more work into one hour—take a break. Huh?! That’s right, o’ efficient one. You’re so good at what you do that you don’t even realize what an overachiever you are.
Who else cranks out as much as you do? Today, as the Aries moon sails through your house of perception, privacy and reinvention, try a new approach. You’ll still get a ton accomplished, but if you can remove the “compulsion,” you may be surprised by how enjoyable it is!
You’re the queen of offering help when others need it, but how responsive are you to your own needs, Libra? All month, the ego-directed Sun is in your sign, helping you feel more comfortable being at the center of attention and asking for you what want.
You’re the queen of offering help when others need it, but how responsive are you to your own needs, Libra? All month, the ego-directed Sun is in your sign, helping you feel more comfortable being at the center of attention and asking for you what want.
But today’s challenging clash from Saturn, ruler of fear and responsibility, may send you on a self-imposed guilt trip. Deplane immediately—that route isn’t headed anywhere you want to go. Instead, do something that you want to do—perhaps candlelight yoga followed by dinner with a friend.
Tongue-tied? You may know exactly how you’re feeling and what you want to say to someone, yet words may fail you today. Blame it on a square between critical, constraining Saturn and the confident Sun in your introspective twelfth house.
But rather than let anxiety mount, give yourself permission to mull a little more and wait until the perfect moment to speak your piece. You’ll be more articulate and comfortable, and as a result more powerfully persuasive.
Let YOU entertain us! You’re in a showboating kind of mood today, as the daring Aries moon traipses through your passionate, theatrical fifth house.
Let YOU entertain us! You’re in a showboating kind of mood today, as the daring Aries moon traipses through your passionate, theatrical fifth house.
It’s a live-out-loud kind of day, and while there’s nothing wrong with art for art’s sake, you could also do something to bring some attention to a cause you believe in. (And that cause could just be YOU.) it’s also a great day to spark up—or fan the flames of—a smoldering attraction. Just know where the fire extinguisher is before you get started.
If you’re not in crisis mode, take a little time to check in with your nearest and dearest or shoot off a few texts to let people know you’re thinking of them. Set up some get-togethers now, while they’re foremost on your mind.
Don’t work in the isolation booth today, Aquarius. As an air sign, you’re always thinking of your inner circle and ready for group hangs.
Don’t work in the isolation booth today, Aquarius. As an air sign, you’re always thinking of your inner circle and ready for group hangs.
Today, as the initiative-taking Aries moon lights up your third house of socializing, humor and local action, reach out and see who’s up for a night out on the town—and the closer to YOUR home, the better. Whether you organize a craft-beer pub crawl or pull together THE most formidable trivia team, you’ll shake off any tension that’s been building all week.
Need a little moneymaking motivation, Pisces? Today’s Aries moon in your second house of work and finances is eager to help you take initiative. Your emo water sign needs to have a personal connection to what you do—beyond cashing that paycheck—so if you’re not doing “your soul’s work,” that’s a good place to start.
Do you need to acquire skills or accreditation? Could you talk to friends who work in fields you like? Getting out of your head and into your heart will put you on the right track!