The Rudest Zodiac Signs, Ranked From Most To Least.. - Colo Colo Hoy

martes, 11 de septiembre de 2018

The Rudest Zodiac Signs, Ranked From Most To Least..

And if you're interested in learning how to be more kind and positive, instead of rude, I'm sure they would be happy to help you out; it's the kind of people they are, after all!

So, keep reading to find out how rude the zodiac signs really are, ranked from most to least rude using astrology.

LIBRA (September 23 - October 22)

It's not so much that you're intentionally rude, Libra, it's more than you don't care one bit what people think. There will be a lot of people in your life that come and go, but it feels like almost everyone has something to say about your attitude, which, of course, drives you up a wall.

No matter what people think of your style or your career or you as a person, you are going to keep doing your own thing. And when people feel the need to open their mouth and give their opinion, you aren't afraid to tell them to shut it. Rude? Perhaps. But you're not living their life, you're living yours.

CAPRICORN (December 20 - January 19)

Capricorn, you're rude as hell for the simple fact that you feel like you know more than anyone else. You're like Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec, except your bluntness just makes you seem more bitchy than bad ass.

And yes, we allll get it. If you can't insert your opinion into a matter then you don't care, but the fact is, you always care enough to butt into everything.

As a Capricorn, you like to be in control and in charge of everything around you. But that doesn't stop you from being more of a rude person and less of a teacher helping others see your way.

If you were less brusque, it might work in your favor, but in reality, you're just a jerk.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 19)

As a Sagittarius, you don't really have time for people who try to get in your way or try to make your life harder than it has to be. So, of course, that alone is what makes you seem the rudest.

You want to live life your own way and when someone has something to say about it, you immediately cancel them from your life. You try to give people at least second chances before getting rid of them for good, but you have a low patience level.

You first try to ignore whoever is rubbing you the wrong way, but for anyone who doesn't get the hint, you show them your mean side. It's not your favorite thing to be rude, but at the same time, you don't really care.

AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)

If someone were to come up to you and tell you that you're being rude, Aquarius, you would probably say something absurd like, "Thank you!".

You 100 percent don't care what people really think of you, which is great but can also get you into a lot of trouble — believe me.

You also have the biggest God complex of the zodiac, which means that you don't necessarily think you're being rude, you just think you're better than everyone else.

Whenever someone tries to match your rude attitude with theirs, you automatically fire back and ask them who they think they're dealing with.

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)

It doesn't seem like you'd be a rude person, Taurus, but you most definitely can be. The only thing is, you hold is close to you like a secret weapon.

No one truly realizes just how rude you can be until you actually have to whip it out and show it to everyone.

That sounds bad, but you get what I mean. You like being a kind and positive person, but when someone tries to undermine you or make you feel foolish, you put them in their place.

You can also be a stubborn bull (go figure), so when you're feeling extra stubborn, you want people to know you aren't to be messed with. However, instead of being diplomatic, you're just rude.

​ARIES (March 21 - April 19)

You don't like being known as the rude person in any situation, but there are some situations where being bad ass Aries just isn't enough for you.

You like working things out when it comes to people who matter (like friends and family), but for everyone else, you have a very short fuse.

You also don't much care for anyone who feels the need to test your authority or kindness. You are who you are and if someone isn't happy with that, then you’ll show them just how wrong they are by being rude. It seems kind of backward, but it does work.

LEO (July 23 - August 22)

Leo, you hate being rude. Period. It's just not you. You would rather handle situations with your charm and winning personality than with something like rudeness (because you'll most definitely hate yourself for turning into that monster), but you know that life isn't always predictable.

If you are ever rude, people will only see it when you are at the end of your rope. You can be impatient about some things, but when it comes to your dignity, you have more patience than others.

When you're rude, it's because you just don't have it in you anymore to be fair; you want to get mean and show people that you're not one to roll over.

VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)

Whenever you think about being rude, Virgo, you're totally opposed to the person you'd have to turn into to be rude.

For you, anything can be handled by taking the time to understand the situation and figuring out a solution that makes everyone happy.

Sure, there will be times when you'd rather not be diplomatic — like when something isn't working out in your favor — but you try your hardest to be nice.

For you, being rude isn't just having a bad attitude. It's more like showing the other person you're dealing with that you couldn't care less and that it's easier for you to be a jerk than try at all.

CANCER (June 21 - July 22)

To you, being rude just isn't in your vocabulary, Cancer. There may be situations where you get frustrated or angry and say the wrong thing, but it's only ever miscommunication.

Not only would you hate to be known as someone who's plain rude, but you'd hate to not be able to defend yourself if people started rumors that you were rude.

If anything ever frustrates or angers you, you try to use your words and emotions to right the situation.

Of course, if your emotions are ever running really high, it can be hard for you to express yourself without saying things you might regret later. But rude? Never, ever.

SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpio, you seem like the type of person to go straight to rude behavior when you're mad or at your wit's end, but that's just not true.

You will always tell it like it is, whether the other person is ready for that kind of honesty or not, but you will never be rude about it.

You believe in the value of honesty and being truthful in every situation, and if someone sees that as rude, then that is their problem.

You aren't the type of person to apologize for being yourself and you hope that people will understand that instead of mislabeling you as rude.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)

What a surprise (literally), Gemini, you're at the bottom of this list! A lot of people would consider you rude, but that is only because they aren't taking the time to get to know you, at all.

Like, if someone just had one conversation with you, even if you were arguing, they would know you don't do low blows. You are one of the friendliest people anyone will probably meet and, while you can sometimes be a pain in the ass, isn't everyone?

But despite any other things people can call you, rude is not one of them. You just don't like taking the low road when dealing with annoying situations.

PISCES (February 19 - March 20)

If anyone is the complete opposite of rude, it's you, Pisces. It's not so much that you actively try not to be rude or impolite, you just aren’t. PERIOD.

You like being known as the person that anyone can come to with their problems or just talk to, rather than someone people should stay away from.

And as for the times when you're feeling upset or angry? You will face your bad days head-on and without fear.

It might take some harsh truths to get the other person you're dealing with to listen to you, but you are never, ever rude about what you have to say.